We are hibernating but we have interesting stuff happening under the surface ...
January: Artist in residence, Donna Lytle ‘quietude’
February: Artists in residence, Deirdre Hofer & Carly Butler.
Exhibition ‘Atmosphere’ 11 - 18 February.
Artists “chat” 13th Feb, Sunday afternoon.
Prashant Miranda. Exhibition. ‘pacifiq magiq’. Opens on 22.02.2022
March: Artist in residence, Clare Wilkening.
Clay works inspired by the Salish Sea ecosystem.
In April, we’re looking forward to having a Raku workshop with Ronda Green, and local Rare Earth Pottery is loaning us their mobile Raku kiln.
Continuing weekend Wheel throwing classes and life drawing on Tuesdays. Dates TBA.
We have some prime spaces for the Tidal Artist Residency this Summer and Fall,
Contact us to apply here.
We are in the concept phase for an exciting "Water" themed show this summer.
If you'd like to participate, let us know. Email: info@tidalartcentre.com