Sharing and giving back are two vital components of The Tidal Art Centre.

Tidal Arts Mentorship Program
“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We're excited to announce our new mentorship program, and hope you are too.
Anyone from 10 to 110 years of age in Lund and qathet Region can apply, so we'd love to know what you'd like to learn and from whom... is there a local artist you'd like to learn from, or a creative skill you've always wanted to develop ?
Illustration, painting, fabric, film, photo, ceramics, sculpture, music sound, we encourage your ideas.
What is it you've always wanted to do ?
Maybe you are an undiscovered oil painter. Maybe you would like to learn to drum. Maybe you are an emerging artist looking to expand your skill set. Maybe you’d like to fool around with natural dyes. Or throw a pot. Or try silk-screening. Nothing is too silly, or small, or lofty, or large. Jump on the art wagon. We will all be happier for it!
Making learning fun, we match applications with available local artist mentors, our Tidal Art Giving Fund takes care of the mentorship fee to facilitate your growth and so enriching our local arts community.
It's easy to apply and share your ideas... give it a try.
You can apply anytime, applications are being accepted on an ongoing basis. Check back soon, or sign up for our quarterly newsletter update, and/or follow us on social media.
Decide what you'd like to learn from a local artist ?
You apply.
We match selected applicant to a suitable mentor.
Have fun, enjoy 8 free hours of guided learning.
Tidal Art Giving Fund covers the mentor artist fee.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Mentorship helps you build skills and expands our creative community.
Mentoring Artists
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ―Pablo Picasso
We can't do it without you.
If you're a local artist interested in being a paid mentor to support local upcoming artistic talent as a teacher and guide, then we'd love to hear from you.
As this program grows we hope to mentor folks in all disciplines of the arts and of all ability levels.
For some established artists this might look like learning new skills from a master, and for many folks in the region this might be their first brave foray into exploring a secret itch or hidden gift.
The Tidal Art Giving Fund covers your fee for time, and in some cases may cover costs for materials.
Our goal is to expand our artist community through giving, sharing, encouraging and nurturing those interested in exploring and expanding their interests and gifts.
Making learning fun, we match applications with available local artist mentors for 8 hours of tuition. This might be eight one hour classes, or two blocks of 4 hours, as best fits your student needs and your availability. The location is to be agreed on an individual basis, whether at the student's home, your artist studio, at Tidal Art Centre or other suitable location.
If this speaks to you, then please click on the Mentor Artist Application button and apply today.
Thank you for leading the way.
Tidal Art Giving Fund
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein
From our very beginning, giving back to our community is a cornerstone of our mandate at Tidal Art Centre.
This new program is more than a year in the making and the result of community support at events since we opened in March 2018.
We have reached our first goal by returning cans and bottles, by your generous donations, tip jars at events, by proceeds of our Tuesday Life Drawing sessions (after the model is paid, of course), and by sales of prints by Prashant Miranda.
We dedicate these monies to help local folks develop skills that elevate their art practice.
As the fund grows we'll support more artists and keep the community informed of the difference we get to make.
Donations are most welcomed. At this time we can not provide a tax receipt for your gift, as we are not a registered charity. We are building on principles of giving back, conscious giving, and building our creative community.
Thank you for supporting local artists and our incredible community.
Tidal Art Giving Available Artist Prints and Postcards
Use the arrows to browse the available artist prints. All prints contribute to the Tidal Art Giving Fund.
To purchase you can visit Tidal Art Centre on Finn Bay Road in Lund during opening hours, at an event, or order via email and e-transfer.
Any postage is charged at cost.
Thank you for supporting Tidal Art Giving.

This watercolour image by Prashant Miranda shows an exploded view of Tidal Art Centre on Finn Bay in Lund. Print is 11" x 17" $20.00 All proceeds go to the Tidal Art Giving Fund.

This watercolour image by Prashant Miranda shows a local area map of Lund around Tidal Art Centre. Print is 11" x 17" $20.00 All proceeds go to the Tidal Art Giving Fund.

This watercolour image by Prashant Miranda shows an exploded view of Tidal Art Centre on Finn Bay in Lund. Print is 11" x 17" $20.00 All proceeds go to the Tidal Art Giving Fund.