Tidal Art Centre is a place where people can come to nourish their art and themselves. To become inspired and to inspire others. Explore printmaking, fibre arts, clay works, photography, painting, sculpture, writing… Join us for a workshop, as a mentor, as a hungry mind with the desire to create and share ideas.
The idea to build an art centre has been a seed growing like a weed in my head for many years. It just kept coming back and coming back and I was not able to make it disappear, despite worry over making such an ambitious project a success in such a remote location.
The heart of the centre is the wonderful former Forestry Station at Finn Bay which we purchased around twenty years ago. The dream was there but it took many years to get to a place where we had the resources to help it grow. With the help of our incredible builder, Colin Mallery and his crew, we have been able to restore the old building and expand it.
As the building expanded, so my dream became bigger: to make a place where people can come and do their art and learn and teach and share ideas.
Most people would agree that when we are doing our art we are ‘in the zone’. It’s like our soul is happy. In that way it is a sacred space.
So we have started this journey. Stay tuned.